The Charlie Gordon Experience In Flowers For Algernon By Daniel Keyes

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The Charlie Gordon Experience “Charlie's disability is the result of an untreated physical disorder called phenylketonuria”. In the novel Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, doctors were able to refine Charlie’s intelligence and nevertheless, his personality. The big question is, did Charlie’s empathy, ability to love, kindness and heart get altered in the process as well? A great number of studies were made to show that people with higher IQ’s tend to generally be unhappier due to their augmented level of understanding of the world. For example, an intelligent person is more likely to understand that Heaven doesn’t exist because in their mind, it can’t be scientifically possible. In the novel, Charlie’s intelligence end emotions have changed …show more content…

However after the operation Charlie’s happiness took a dramatic turn of events. Before the operation Charlie went to school, had a job and had ‘friends’ the only thing he didn’t have was intelligence. However after the operation Charlie was a different man. Intelligent but unhappy After the operation Charlie finally came to realize slowly that his ‘friends’ were actually not his friends after going to a party, Charlie said “I never knew before that Joe and Frank and the others liked to have me around just to make fun of me” (Keyes 30) Before the operation Charlie was friendly with everybody even if the people were mean at him since Charlie was unaware that he was being ridiculed. However after the operation Charlie was bitter and arrogant, for example when Charlie confessed his love to Alice she says that it would not be appropriate for them to start a relationship because of the experiment, then Charlie said to himself “I hated her as I never hated anyone before with her easy answers and maternal fussing.” (57) This proves that after the operation Charlie is bitter and arrogant. Prior to the operation Charlie was more social and outgoing he would go out with ‘friends’ and go to work. On the other hand after the operation Charlie was more of an isolated individual since he realized that the world is not as beautiful as it is. Charlie said, “Now I’m more alone than ever before” (75). To conclude Prior to the operation Charlie was happy, he was friendly, had empathy, had ‘friends’ and had a job. However after the operation Charlie no longer had friends, no longer had a job, he became arrogant and bitter. Was the operation really worth

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