The Character of Monsieur Meursault in The Stranger

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The Character of Monsieur Meursault in The Stranger Camus entitled his novel The Stranger because his protagonist actually was a stranger to both his associates and his surroundings. Monsieur Meursault was never really known by anyone. Nobody ever knew what really made Meursault tick and nobody ever really knew what motivated him. Meursault was a wanderer throughout his life. Meursault was also a stranger because he did not understand other people’s motivations either. Meursault formed relationships easily enough and interacted with others. But, it was obvious that Meursault interacted in these relationships the way other people expected him to. For example, when Meursault invited Salamano into his house, he eventually became bored with Salamano. “He was getting on my nerves a little, but I didn’t have anything to do and I didn’t feel sleepy. Just for something to say, I asked him about his dog” (Camus, 44). This and other thoughts reveal quite a bit about Meursault. Meursault is brutally honest with himself. He is, however, polite. Despite not really ...

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