The Chappaquiddick Scandal

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The Chappaquiddick incident occurred during Richard Nixon's presidency. It involved Edward M. Kennedy and Mary Jo Kopechne, who died when Senator Kennedy drove his car of a cliff. After a party on Chappaquiddick island Kennedy and Kopechne started driving towards Edgartown. Kennedy to a wrong turn onto Dike bridge, which had no guardrails and the car plummeted into the sea. Kennedy saved himself but Kopechne died. Kennedy pleaded guilty when Kopechne’s body was found in his overturned car, and was sentenced to two months in jail. The Iran Contra affair started on August 20, 1985 and ended on March 4, 1987. This affair involved the sales of weapons to Contras in Iran. This happened during the Reagan administration and almost crippled President Reagan's presidency. The scandal began as an operation to free seven american hostages in Lebanon, but grew to become an international scandal. Though Reagan was a supporter of the Contra cause there is evidence that shows that he may not have known about the sales. Reagan appeared on national television and declared that arm sales h...

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