The Centaurs Of Sirethiel: A Short Story

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The Centaurs of Sirethiel There were various roads that led up and into the mountain. But some were dead ends and others were misleading pathways that led to nowhere. A few were riddled with dark evil ogres who had long ago declared their allegiance to Gordok. Now they were his dreadful servants and massacred mountain travelers or lead them to horrible hazard. Norbert who was wise knew this and so he guided me to the right path and helped me through the great misty mountain. We climbed up side by side through the twisted path and around the sharp windy mountain trail. The huge sun shone bright before us and our eyes were dazzled. Finally, it widen and seemed too paused suggest the summit, but then went for a ways more. And at last we reached the top and looked down. Far below, swathed in light mist were several springs that fanned out and form a lush meadow. Norbert turned and drew me tightly into his fearsome chest. "I've taken you this far, but I can't go any further. I hope you find what you're looking for." "I do too. Thank you Norbert." I replied and began hiking down into the valley. Once I had reached the bottom I could see that the meadow was …show more content…

They were just like the one that I had seen before. Once I had moved close enough all the centaurs lowered their heads and I distinctly heard, "Hello Aiden welcome to the Kingdom of Sirethiel." I was amazed. Their mouths never moved and yet I could hear them so clearly. "Oral language is not relevant here. Too much meaning is lost while one converts one's thoughts into word. We," he gestured using his mind to the others, "are descendants of the Nab tribe and find that it is much more effective to communicate through thoughts. The only constraint to this form of exchange is that your thoughts must be pure. Please, climb on my back and hold on tight we have much ground to

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