The Case Of Mapp V. Ohio

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THESIS: Mapp v. Ohio and Miranda v. Arizona are Supreme Court cases that prove to be essential in protecting and strengthening individual rights in the United States. To begin with, the United States’ Supreme Court is the utmost federal court in the government, established with precedence over the lower court system. It has appellate jurisdiction over all cases concerning the Constitution and/or federal law. For a case to reach the Supreme Court, the conflict is required to be between two or more states, concerning an ambassador, or a violation of the Constitution. One case that reached the Supreme Court of the United States was Mapp v. Ohio. Dollree Mapp was arrested in May of 1957 for the ownership of lewd materials, including obscene photographs and books. After she was incarcerated for this crime, she appealed her case to the Supreme Court against the State of Ohio. Ernesto Miranda’s case against the State of Arizona also extended to the Supreme Court in 1966. The appellant was arrested and convicted for the kidnapping
Ohio and Miranda v. Arizona have great impacts on the United States criminal justice system. The decision of Mapp v. Ohio ultimately aids in the strengthening of the Fourth Amendment with the extension of the exclusionary rule. Until this ruling, states did not have to obey this rule and could get away with warrantless searches. With this order, the privacy of United States citizens is safeguarded. Moreover, the Supreme Court created the “Miranda rights” as a result of Miranda v. Arizona. The Miranda rights establish that upon a person 's arrest, the police is mandated to inform that individual of his basic rights, which include “that he has a right to remain silent, that any statement he does make may be used as evidence against him, and that he has a right to the presence of an attorney, either retained or appointed” (9). Essentially, people are given the right to not make any “self-incriminating statements”

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