The Bubble Incident: The Tree Of Life And Miracles

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The Bubble Incident The car finally comes to a halt in the driveway where we had just come from a birthday party. Bubbles and I have waited for what seemed like eternity to get home so that we could play in the “Tree of Life”, which is the colossal tree in my backyard. Bubbles and I were introduced at a birthday party and we became friends right away. I just do not cognizance her real name so I call her Bubbles. Anyway, we ran through the house to the backyard. On the way Bubbles proclaims , “ I can’t wait to see the “Tree of Life”. While opening the back door and I answered,”Tada!!! Behold the Tree of Life.” There stood the “Tree of life” with the sun reflecting off it’s deep green leaves and it’s branches sturdy and strong. Staring in awe for a couple of second, Bubbles eventually said, “Wow! It’s so….Majestic.” I said,” I know, right,” as I beam at the tree. We race to the tree, but before we get on to climb it Bubbles taps me on the shoulder and whispers,”I’m not sure I can do this,” as she looks up at the giant tree above her. “I will help you and if you fall I will catch you,” I said. So we climbed up the tree fairly easy. Although there was few small slips here and there and was a bit wobbly, …show more content…

Every once in awhile we would compliment each other or tease each other. Of course she won like usual nevertheless all of the effort put into the game. After she won, she shouted,” Ha!! I still am the champion!!” Then she started singing at the top of her lungs interrupting the birds sing,” I am the Champion my friend!!! I am the Champion my friend!!!”. Not knowing any more of the song, she kept singing that identical verse anew. Subsequently, I said,” Okay, Okay. You win. I admit it,”while trying not to laugh and to look serious. Always she has had a knack for blowing bubbles and probably will forever. Moreover to how hard my efforts are. That is ultimately why I started calling her

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