The Breakfast Club Essay

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Film/The Breakfast Club Plot summary: The Breakfast Club displays various peer group interactions, while demonstrating main stereotypes of five adolescents in high school on a Saturday morning of detention. We have the princess, the jock, the brain, the loner and the rebel (druggie). This group of teens learns and discusses their lives, feelings, needs and why and how they are in Saturday detention. The beginning of the movie shows the adolescents being dropped off on Saturday morning at school by their parents. Giving the viewers a glimpse of what each characters home and family life may consist of. The principal Vernon who portrays himself as a hard ass and he is better than the students by telling each of them to write a 1000 word essay …show more content…

He is tall skinny and dressed proper his mom drops him off and explains he better figure out some way to study. Brian receives an “F” in shop class, his parents place an enormous of pressure on him to get “A” so that he can become something in life, no matter how smart he is it is not good enough for his parents. Brian brings a gun to school to try and takes his own life. The gun ends up being a flare gun that went off in his locker that is why he is in detention. Allison is dropped off and when she goes to the passenger window they drive away. She is dressed in dark clothes and hangs her head as she walks. She is a loner and has no friends. She takes things and is a compulsive liar that lives out of her purse. She is weird and bizarre and her reasoning for being in detention is she “had nothing better to do” Her parents ignore …show more content…

Bender is the only adolescent that isn’t dropped off by his parents. He strolls in loudly with baggie clothes and combat boots touching all the books and papers on the desk of the library. Bender seeks attention, is unhappy and has violent tendencies that are caused from “problematic parent-child relationship, as he indicates in the movie, his father beats his mother verbally and physically abuses him, he illustrate this abuse in the form of cigar burns on his arm to Andrew when Andrew calls him a liar about his home life. Relationships with parents that are coercive and hostile lead to development of antisocial behaviors Steinberg p.169”. Throughout the movie Bender clearly has no patience or sympathy towards Claire or Brian’s so called horrible life. His harassment towards Claire is also because he has a crush on her. Bender is in detention because he pulled the school fire alarm. Throughout various parts of the movie the five adolescents have a chance to understand that each has felt alone, vulnerable, pressure and sadness. Together they share common feelings of wanting acceptance, love and friendships. Towards the end Brian states that he sees the others as his friends and what would happen on Monday when they saw each other at school? Claire asked, do you mean will we continue to be friends? The answer is no.

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