The Border: A Double Sonnet And The New Colossus

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Each year, the requirements that immigrants need to have access to the country have become more difficult with each new year. Apart from the legal requirements necessary to enter the U.S., this process can be affected by the race and origin of an immigrant. The authors of “The Border: A Double Sonnet” and “The New Colossus” share their perspective on immigration through their poems. Each author’s perspective has been influenced by their time, the privilege and restrictions they faced due to their race, and regulations due to the impact of their poetry about immigration in the U.S. Beginning with a long time between the events that happen in the poem “The Border: A Double Sonnet” written by Alberto Rios and the poem “The New Colossus” written …show more content…

Although she struggled with racism and sexism, she still positively portrayed the Statue of Liberty in her poem. Her poem “The New Colossus” expressed a vital message about the statue. She wrote, “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” This quote inspired people to support the goal of building a base for the Statue of Liberty to represent all of the oppressed, rejected, abused, and just trying to live a better life in the U.S. Then comes the life of Ramos with his poem “The Border: A Double Sonnet” in more recent times. According to the biography of Alberto Rios on, he was born in Nogales, Arizona, in 1952. As a poet, he received numerous nominations and awards for his works. By background, he is not an immigrant, but Hispanics mostly populate the city of Nogales, and his last name shows he is part of the Hispanic

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