The Book Thief Personal Response

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The Book Thief by Colby Peplinski 6th hour

"I have hated the words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right". This quote is from "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak, this historical fiction book is about a girl (Liesel) who lives in Germany during WW2. Liesel is a smart and charismatic girl, although she cannot read at the start of the book she slowly learns. While this is happening, she is secretly stealing books and going on adventures with her friend, Rudy. She is adopted by Hans and Rosa Hubberman, she was supposed to be adopted with her brother, but he dies on the train ride to the new house. The Book Thief is to inform you about what the Holocaust and WW2 was like to a little German child. Note: this book is not …show more content…

This happens after her brother dies on the train to go live with her new parents. The grave digger dropped the book next to the grave and Liesel grabbed it before anyone noticed. She moves to a good sized house in Munich, Germany on Himmel street. Almost immediately after she meets her new parents( Hans and Rosa Hubberman) she likes Hans and not Rosa. She likes Hans because he is kind and caring, but Rosa has a screechy mean voice and bosses her around. She soon meets her soon to be best friend, Rudy. Rudy is about the size of Liesel, they may have the same blonde hair, but Liesel has dark, dangerous eyes instead of Rudy's bright blue eyes. She meets Rudy while playing soccer in the street and being the new girl Liesel gets goalie. A bigger boy runs to shoot at Liesel and shoots strong and accurate... But Liesel jumps and saves it, no one stops this boy's goals. As everyone is cheering for her a boy comes up and high fives her, Rudy. After she meets Rudy she goes on a couple of smaller adventures with him, but her life changes the most when Max comes, a Jew. There are many smaller themes in the Book Thief, but an important theme is to always help others when you can. They show this when Hans helps a Jew in the street and when Liesel helps Rudy when he gets stuck on the fence. They also show it when Liesel helps max with hypothermia or when Rudy helps Liesel back to her house when she falls and skins up her knee. This is important because many people have to help each other during WW2 especially in

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