The Blind Forest Transcendentalism

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The video game “Ori and the Blind Forest” has strong themes of American Transcendentalism by the importance of nature, balance, and the connect of all beings. A noticeable feature in the game, “Ori and the Blind Forest”, is how predominate nature is in this game. Throughout the entire game the main focus is nature and trying to restore it. This is shown through the background, storyline and even the characters in the game. Nature is has a huge impact in Transcendentalism, and about how important it is to being alive. “Ori and the Blind Forest” is a fantastic example of Transcendentalism, seeing as the entirety of the game is about nature, and lack of it brings death. Another important aspect that both Transcendentalism and “Ori and the Blind Forest” share is the importance of balance. …show more content…

This happens due to Kuro destroying the Spirit Tree’s source of energy (Sein) being taken away from the Spirit Tree, the affects will later be shown from a fire that will harm her egg and the entirety of Nibel’s forest. In that act of restoring balance to this game, Kuro returns Sein back to the Spirit Tree; knowing in return for her child’s life she must die; restoring balance back to Nibel. In Transcendentalism there is an importance to keep balance so as to keep the serenity that surrounds you. Without balance things can be easily hurt, this shown by Kuro’s egg near death and the decay of Nibel. Further emphasized how “Ori and the Blind Forest” has large themes of Transcendentalism is how everything is connected to each other. Evidence of this is shown by the Spirit Tree being the source of power (Sein) for the three elements, which in turn give resources to the forest, then creating food for Naru and Ori to eat. In this game without Sein, the elements discontinued and in turn produced little food for Ori and Naru; which then causes Naru’s

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