The Black Cat Tone

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After reading the “The Black Cat” by Poe, I found many different tones like urgency, shame, distress, drama, and mockery. The urgency was shown in the beginning quotes “For the most wild, yet most homely narrative which I am about to pen …” and “But to-morrow I die...” Also, in his quote” I blush, I burn, I shudder, While I pen the damnable atrocity”, Poe used the word “I” to create a sense of urgency. He used the words “blush” and “burn” to describe how ashamed he is. "Shudder" shows how anguished he is of what he did. These flashy words did attract us. Murdering is a cruel act. The drama is in killing the cat that he loved. The use of the word “pen” is the mocking and tricky part because Poe meant to write something with the pen. He meant

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