The Benefits Of Football Gymnastic Vs. Football

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Although football is more popular in our Arabic world, gymnastics have more benefits. Gymnastic is more effective than football due to several factors first, the concept that gymnastic boosts balance and poise; in addition, it’s an individual game, and finally its popularity worldwide. Soccer and Gymnastics 78% from people has longer life because of the sports. Moreover, according to NECHITA (2016), Young people must be ready for the new generation a more dynamic, speedily growing, which needs a specific sport .Each Sport is different from other. There are new sports which are from 10 years ago on the other hand; there are traditional sports which are from more than 100 years. Each sport has special Technique. Football …show more content…

It’s an amazing way to keep your body fit, healthy, and strong. Gymnastics is an individual sport which depends on the player’s skills, you may see a team but each player specialized on a type of gymnastics. Moreover, according to Webster, there are our basic skills of educational gymnastics are rolling actions, balancing actions, step-like actions, and flight actions. This sport depends on both balance and poise. The players are trained to develop the enthusiastic awareness of how the body react and move in the air and on the ground in case not to get injured, nor falling off. In addition, they must be well attentive and focused. Unfortunately, this sport didn’t have enough popularity in our Arabic world; on the other hand gymnastic is one of the most popular sports World …show more content…

They have a point because gymnastic is more difficult than football. When you say football, immediately you will think about violence, on the other hand gymnastics teach you how to be focused, ready and poise. Although football is so familiar in Arabic world and it’s not so difficult, i still think that gymnastics must be more popular than football. Now you may ask yourself, every sport in this universe maybe harmful either gymnastics! I will answer your question; whatever is harmful within experience will not be anymore. So in my opinion gymnastics is more powerful than

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