The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used Against Women by Naomi Wolf

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Define a beautiful woman. What kinds of adjectives come to mind? Do her inner qualities make her beautiful as well? What does "beauty is only skin deep" really mean? I always thought what made a person truly and genuinely beautiful, is whats on the inside. So often, we judge women on their appearance first, then their abilities. Did you ever wonder how this came about and why we all do this today? dont try to deny it, were all shallow and addicted to entertainment, its simply our culture, our way of life. Naomi wolf tries to explain the reasoning and ideas behind the beauty myth. She defines it and all its aspects, leaving it up to the reader to judge how to take it in and what to make of her points. She backs up all her claims with evidence and well researched claims, making her message hard to deny. This message isnt only imperative to women, but to men as well, because women arent the only ones being manipulated by the media into feeling insecure and unhappy with themselves. There are 6 major sectins in the beauty myth, work, culture, religion, sex, hunger and violence. Wolf points out many valid points, such as marketing tactics, cosmetic surgery, stereotypes of women as sex objects and men as success objects. She states that beauty is something someone else has. It a forever unattainable goal in which many people strive most of their lives to achieve. Women in the workplace. Let me just start off this topic by saying, ive been denied at least 2 jobs because i am a girl. I could relate to this chapter, undoubtedly. If women are too pretty they are not taken seriously. If women arent pretty enough, they can legally be fired for their percieved "homeliness." Then again, if theyre too pretty, its their ... ... middle of paper ... ... sometimes people never do. Wolf says that acknowledge of the beauty myth problem can promote it and not necessarily help. I agree with her on that a little bit, because even the wise and well taught are affected by the beauty myth. It is not a problem you can easily fix. It would take alot of team work. Wolf states that she believes the solution is in challenging the system through lawsuits against beauty discrimination and through women exempting themselves from the beauty economy. Wolf wants women to develop an alternative culture of beauty to counterpose to the mainstream images. So, basically its up to women themselves if they want to see a change. Wolfs idea of third wave femminism may just fix this whole concept of "The beauty myth", but just as the rich man doesnt want to lost his riches, the man his power, i doubt women will want to lose their beauty.

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