The Bass And Sheila Mant Analysis

552 Words2 Pages

Aubri Akervik Due Date: Thursday, 24th
Journal 1

I am reading “The Bass, The River, and Sheila Mant” by W.D. Wetherell. The story is about a fourteen year old boy who can’t decide between a bass or a 17 year old girl he has a crush on, Sheila Mant. In this journal, I will be questioning and Connecting.

As I am reading the story I am wondering whether he will pick the bass or Sheila Mant. I think that the bass will be chosen. I am thinking this because he fishes a lot in his free time and he knows almost everything about bass. He could tell whether it was a big or little bass and he defiantly did not want Sheila to know. He has spent a lot of money into his fishing and a lot of time into fishing to know what he is doing. He knows it

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