The Awakening And Edna Relationship Essay

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Edna in “The Awakening” portrays almost like a selfish character. Her husband and her have good moments as well as bad moments, and it does not become clear until later in the book what each others intentions are. The relationship between the two is rather odd, and the families of the two disagree with their marriage, even though they have two kids already. Edna is the protagonist of the novel. While Edna and Mr. Pontellier have a "mistaken fancy" of "a sympathy of thought and taste," Edna and Robert have what seems like the real deal. This sends her heart into a frenzy of pitter-pattering, and leads to her expanding her horizons: she starts swimming and painting and hanging out with mildly eccentric people.
In chapter 7 of the novel it is revealed that Edna married Leonce on "accident, which to me …show more content…

But as the paragraph follows, the situation becomes more clear. Edna was actually interested in another man but Leonce was deeply in love and "pressed his suit with an earnestness and ardor which left nothing to be desired. He pleased her; his absolute devotion flattered her." One of the first ways the conflict is developed after Edna has realized that she is unhappy and wants to be free is her action of spending time with her friend, Robert, whom she falls in love with. Even though he leaves, she has made her decision to live a more free life and she moves into her own apartment away from her whole family, including her children, and takes a lover. Edna is perceived as selfish for many reasons but i can see why this is one of those. The conflicts that become of this occur first in her marriage and the society. Since during this time society was judgemental and had certain viewpoints, serious conflicts at this point between Victorian society emerged and she is judged harshly and condemned by almost everyone. This conflict leads her to eventually grow depressed

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