The Anactoria Poem Sappho

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The Anactoria Poem

A1: This narrative poem from the classical period or classical era, was written by a person called Sappho. It is a brief description, or perhaps the author's opinion of Helen of Troy. It brings to mind the aspect of both ground and sea military units. The poem goes on to describe Helen as more beautiful than any other human. Helen then presumably forgets about her husband and child, then marries Paris of Troy and then his brother when he died. At the end of the poem I presume the writer is reminiscing of a lost lover called Anactoria who would gaze at the chariots in Lydia together with him. Perhaps a love poem written either to or about Anactoria after her passing.

A2: This poem is none like I have witnessed in the past. Most of the poetry I have read has had a “sing song” beat to it along with rhyming schemes. I used to be in the US Navy so I related to the opening about how a fleet would be most beautiful. This part caught my attention and interest for the ending. Without ever being out to sea in the …show more content…

Juno, Jupiter, Minerva, Mars, and Mercury were the names of the Roman gods. As you can see, a lot of the planets were named after the Roman gods. These gods were said to protect women, be the protector of the state, be full of wisdom, provide good trade, and protect and give success during war. Even some of the Roman leaders during this period were worshiped as gods mainly because they would tell their subjects they were a god.

During the end of this period was the rise of Christianity. Rome is the center of the Catholic church. Although it is not really clear when the Catholic church began, some claim it began with Peter, the disciple of Christ, around 30 CE. The organization of “The Church” really began in 325 AD at the Council of Nicea during the reign of Constantine. This is when the “Church leaders formed a creedal statement of belief recognized

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