The Amish

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In the mid the seventeenth century, the Amish movement was founded in Europe at the time of the Protestant Reformation. They are derived from a group impatient with the pace of reform in the existing churches. One of the main issues is baptism. A group of Anabaptists practise adult baptism. Religion is the basis of Amish life. They believe they must obey God at all times.

To the Amish family, life is highly valued. Like other aspects of Amish life, it conforms to traditional attitudes and values. Courtship to the Amish is usually secretive, and the couples' intention to wed must only be publicly announced 2 weeks before the wedding. Amish weddings usually occur on a Tuesday or Thursday to fit in time with the farming season, and the ceremony in the brides' home must only last four hours. Children also have a major involvement in family life. School ends at year 8. After year 8, children have to work around the home, farm or family business. The Amish people have no major concept of leaving home for further education or other employment opportunities. Amish people traditionally get...

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