The American Dream Research Paper

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The American Dream has a different meaning to every U.S. citizen, for most being rich or famous is the meaning of living the American dream. For some, just to live in America to have a better life, equal opportunities, and freedom are seen as living the American dream. There is no real definition of what living the American dream is. In the article “Will ‘The Voice’ Ever Live Up to Its Promise of Making Winners Superstars?” the author Julie Beck explains that the American Dream is to be recognized and to break through from years of struggling by getting on the television show The Voice. However, there are many ways to interpret the concept of the American dream, here are just a few ways. In most cases, it’s being happy and/or having a better …show more content…

Popularity to where the entire country recognizes who you are is something many Americans dream of and see as the “American dream”. In the article “Will ‘The Voice’ Ever Live Up to Its Promise of Making Winners Superstars?” many of the contestants try to get on The Voice to put themselves or their music out there so they can jump-start their career. When the contestants made it “They cry, they cheer, they break down, they attack the host Carson Daly with hugs,” after feeling like they made it.
Moreover, many believe their American dream is to be rich and wealthy. For some, well most money brings happiness and good fortune. Believing that their life is under control by having a lot of money and to live worry-free. Being rich or famous in most cases for people already living in America is the American dream. Surprisingly, for some people moving to America is the “American dream”. People from around the world try to move to America for a better life, to get away from whatever was happening where they previously used to live. Moving to America to find jobs, have a better home, feed their families, have religious freedom, and to get an education. Also, some people go to America to reconnect with family members. My parents moved to America before I was born so that my siblings and I could live a better

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