The American Dream In Truman Capote's In Cold Blood

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The American Dream is a promise for liberty, opportunities, and social mobility. It envisions a society with few barriers where social class does not determine one’s future—an environment where anyone can reach their ambitions. Throughout In Cold Blood, Truman Capote narrates the story of various individuals capturing their share of American Dream to different extents. Capote elucidates that those who have accomplished their dreams live with higher contentment, but that the ideals of the American Dream are noninclusive and ineffective.
Capote conveys the benefits of reaching one’s goals with a juxtaposition of those who have succeeded with those who have fallen short. The author begins by describing Mr. Clutter as a man “certain of what he …show more content…

The author uses Barbara Smith, the sister of Perry and an obvious witness to his childhood, as a medium to present that “strong character, high courage, [and] hand work” were inadequate to counter the “doom [of the family] against which virtue was no defense” (282). Her belief that nothing would help her overcome her childhood circumstances implies that Smith’s parents had a strong power to thwart his ambitions and in effect forced him into his poor psychological state. By portraying the situation as a “doom,” Barbara underscores the unavoidable nature of her parent’s influence and demonstrates that the American Dream did not give way for the children in the family to follow their ambition. Moreover, Capote reveals that Dick had “an IQ test taken in prison [give] him a rating of 130” (60) and wanted to “study to be an engineer” but “plain didn’t have the money” (251). Capote makes it clear that Hickock held ambition, possessed exceptional skill, and was provided a supportive environment yet could not achieve his goals due to a simple financial constraint. Corroborating that socio-economic position of a family restricts the opportunities of the children, Capote exposes that the American Dream does not extend to all

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