The 5 Pillars Of Power Yoga

511 Words2 Pages

I truly enjoyed Journey Into Power because although it was helpful for my yoga practice, everything I learned can also be applied to my everyday life.

After reading this book, to me, Power Yoga is a flow yoga where yogis move quickly between poses. With this type of yoga, students fluidly move from one pose to the next while connecting their breathing to their movements and focusing on building both physical and mental body strength.

With Power Yoga, comes the 5 Pillars of Yoga; ujjayi (breath), drishti (gaze), foundation (legs, arms, core), tapas (heat), and vinyasa (flow). All of these pillars are necessary to become a strong yogi and individual.

In yoga, ujjayi is the most important element as is is the basis of the entire practice that guides you throughout all of your movements. In life, it can serve the same purpose as breath is always a reminder that you are present and is what keeps you moving throughout your day. Your ujjayi is always there to support you in whatever you do. …show more content…

Throughout Power Yoga, your gaze may change directions, but it consistently keeps your mind in one place. In life, your drishti can be a figurative way at looking towards your goals and what you aim to do. Everyday you can think about your drishti and where you want you and your body to be.

Your legs, arms, and core are most important in giving your body a strong foundation for movement. They serve as ways to keep your body safe, aligned and powerful. Focusing on these key parts of your body will keep you stable in all that you do.

Tapas, or heat, is built throughout your entire yoga practice. As you move and build strength, you create heat within your body. This heat can help drive you to take your intension with you both on and off your

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