Margaret Thatcher: Steering Britain Through Crisis

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Margaret Thatcher became the British Prime Minister during a time of economic recession and political unease. At the start of her ministry in 1979 Britain's economy was suffering with high unemployment and rising inflation. On top of internal issues, Thatcher faced pressure from the brewing cold war between America and the Soviet Union and the increasing demands of the European community. Despite criticism from both conservatives and the Labour party as well as growing disapproval from the public Margaret Thatcher held to her beliefs and implemented a series of new legislation. All in all, Margaret Thatcher's actions, including privatization of industry, reducing the power of unions, and strengthening Britain's relationship with America, set …show more content…

During the winter of 1978-79, leader of the Labour party, James Callaghan was unable to successfully control the actions of trade unions and discrediting the Labour party as a whole. Thatcher used this opportunity to restore Conservative power and become the first woman prime minister (Hartley, Anthony. "After the Thatcher Decade.). Throughout her first ministry Thatcher established the economic and social policies that would dominate her entire reign as prime minister and eventually form what is known as Thatcherism. At the time Britain faced severe economic difficulties in the form of high inflation and unemployment. Countering these problems was Thatcher's primary concern. In order to reduce inflation Thatcher raised interests rate, however this led to disapproval from her own party as it damaged industry and increased unemployment. Furthermore, Thatcher created a plan which raised taxes during a recession which would further damage the economy (Pearce, Matt). Margaret Thatcher's approval ratings had hit a low and most conservatives did not support her for another term. However, Thatcher's actions during the Falklands War of 1982 restored moral and guaranteed her to be reelected prime minister. Despite the risk, Thatcher sent naval ships to the Falkland to forcibly retake them from the Argentina. Britain's success against Argentina …show more content…

Throughout her second term Thatcher made a series of decisions regarding other countries that led to criticism in

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