Thanksgiving Research Paper

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Thanksgiving has been a quintessential American holiday for centuries. A day to be grateful for anything or everything. To some people Thanksgiving is a feast to thank God for prosperity, to others it’s a day spent with family, football, and food, but collectively it is a day that unifies people in gratitude. What I enjoy the most about Thanksgiving is that it’s not a holiday dedicated to a religion or to a certain way of life; it’s simply a day to be thankful, no handbook or rules to follow. It’s a day to reserve judgement and just be grateful that the fall air has pierced your lungs again. Honestly I think as the 21st century progresses we lose a bit of something when it comes to Thanksgiving. Black Friday has cast a shadow over the …show more content…

In Germany, there are many harvest festivals namely Oktoberfest, celebrated typically near the end of September or beginning of October, and Erntedanktag, celebrated the first Sunday of October. Originally meant to celebrate the wedding of Princess Therese of Sachsen-Hildburghausen in 1810, Oktoberfest has become a cultural staple of Germany. Erntedanktag, however, is a religious holiday often celebrated in churches to give thanks to God for the harvest. Also in Germany but across Europe as well is the Feast of Saint Martin of Tours, held on the 11th of November. The reason for honouring Saint Martin, patron of the poor, soldiers, tailors, and winemakers, is contrived from different legends all tales of humility and selflessness. In Japan Kinrō Kansha no Hi is a celebration of labour and community. Observed on the 23rd of November, Kinrō Kansha no Hi comes from Niinamesai, an ancient ritual of harvest. The tradition most connected to Thanksgiving is Granada’s festival of reembrace. Held on the 25th of October, established after American forces restored order to the country in 1983. The story goes that the American troops stationed there spoke of the upcoming Thanksgiving back home, and to show their gratitude the people of Granada surprised the soldiers with a Thanksgiving celebration. The country has celebrated ever since as a day of

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