Thanksgiving Exercise

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Thanksgiving Exercise This Thanksgiving, I attended a dinner that was put on by a local family for homeless, students who were not going home, and anyone else who did not have a place to go for their Thanksgiving meal. One of the hosts of the meal was a Hawaiian family that owns a local business, and they served traditional American Thanksgiving dishes, as well as some Hawaiian dishes. The meal took place at the Benton County Fairgrounds, and the hosts expected to have approximately one hundred fifty people to attend this dinner, so this was a relatively large gathering of people. Since they were expecting a large number of people, the food was served in a buffet style. This meal was prepared by the Lareau family, who are Hawaiian. All food was prepared by them before the guests arrived. Due to this, there is not much that can be said about how the ingredients were acquired and prepared. The recipes that were used to prepare the food varied, but several of the …show more content…

Since there was a large number of people to be fed, the food was served in a buffet style. The food was served by the family that had prepared the meal. All the foods were served at once, with the main meal being served at the same time as desserts and beverages. The style of the meal was casual, with people moving around to various tables to talk people and leaving the meal whenever they wanted to go. As they were serving so many people at this meal, the food served on disposable dishes and eat utensils. The hall in the fairgrounds was filled with approximately thirty rectangular tables, surrounded by six chairs. People were free to sit wherever they wanted to, and many of them ended up at tables with family or friends. There was no rush to leave once you were done eating and the families that were hosting were encouraging people to stay and have any additional foods that they

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