Thank You M Am Essay

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Can you think of someone that has made an important impact on your life, helping you to grow and become the person you are today? In the story “Thank You M’am” by Langston Hughes, a young boy named Roger crosses paths with an older lady, Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. Mrs. Jones is alarmed and disturbed because of him right away when he runs up to her. Then, she feels bad for the boy considering how he looks and acts, and she ends up helping Roger out by the end of the story. Mrs. Jones changes Roger by taking care of him and showing him he’s not alone even after he did something wrong.
To start of, Roger did not make a good first impression on Mrs. Jones. Toward the beginning of the story, on page one, it says, “...when a boy ran up behind her and tried to snatch her purse.” Roger alarmed Mrs. Jones right away by suddenly trying to grab her purse away from her to steal some money. After that happens, the story says on page one that Mrs. Jones “turned around and kicked him right square in his blue-jeaned sitter.” This proves that she didn’t hesitate to react and she wasn’t afraid to knock some sense into him even though she’d never met him before. …show more content…

Jones brought Roger back to her house because she noticed “he looked...frail and willow-wild in tennis shoes and blue jeans” as stated on page one. By then she knew he attempted to steal her money, so putting everything together she realized that he wasn’t taken care of very well and figured she should do that for him. When they arrived at her house for him to wash up the story says on page two, “Roger looked at the door - looked at the woman - looked at the door - and went to the sink.” Roger had the opportunity to make a run for it, but instead he chose to stay and wash up. From Roger’s choice to stay, it is fair to say that he started to like the way Mrs. Jones was treating

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