Textbooks Should Be Taught In Schools Essay

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The legendary inventor, author, and civic activist Benjamin Franklin once said, "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety", meaning that those who would risk the freedom of the people around them for safety, do not deserve neither freedom nor safety for themselves. Although some researchers have concluded that banning books is a feasible way to discard content inappropriate for certain groups of people to protect them, there is much stronger evidence explaining that the topics that people want to read about in banned books are depicted worse online than in the book, regardless of their content, books are one of the best teaching devices in the world, there is something to learn in just about every book, and due to the increase of sources of corruption as technology improves, all attempts to protect children from these, “threats”, in books are futile. The primary group that is constantly being affected by book bans, is the high school students who can interact with or have access to books that might be inappropriate for them at school. These students are losing access to these books because of the opinions that some teachers or …show more content…

Frank Baum’s “The Wizard of Oz”, a book that has been well known around the world for over a decade, also a book that has definitely opened the door for many fantasy books written recently. To think that such an important and influential piece of work was almost held back because it did not seem appropriate for that time just seems like an insane notion. The banning of that book over a decade ago could have deprived the our generation of the creation of books like, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Percy Jackson Series, and Harry Potter”, this could have changed the definition of children’s and fantasy books

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