Testimonies In Ryunosuke Akutagawa's In A Grove

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“In a Grove written by Ryunosuke Akutagawa” is divided into seven different parts to portray different testimonies, confessions or repentances of the murder of the married samurai. The first four testimonies were all people who were bystanders now incorporated with the solving of a murder. The first testimony comes from a woodcutter who found the body lying in a grove of bamboo. He re accounts his findings of the samurai “Lying flat on its back dressed in a bluish silk kimono and a wrinkled head- dress of the kyoto style” (Akutagawa1). The woodcutter describes a wound of a single stroke from a blade on the samurai’s chest. The second testimony is given by a Buddhist Priest. The priest tells of seeing the samurai and his wife riding horseback

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