Tension In Diana Lopez's Confetti Girl

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Tension (Noun): Tension is a mental or emotional strain caused by something that typically induces anxiety, stress, or pressure. Oftentimes, throughout one’s life, one finds that when one is in a specific situation, tension occurs internally, and sometimes even externally, between two people. Similarly, in Diana Lopez’s novel, Confetti Girl and Jennifer Cervantes’ novel, Tortilla Sun, the narrators have different points of view than that of their parents, causing tension. For example, in Diana Lopez’s Confetti Girl, the narrator does not like English at all, but because her Father does, she finds that at home, her Father is always asking her about her English class and how she is doing in the class; since her Father is so involved in the subject …show more content…

In this novel, the narrator and her father live alone, giving her the responsibility to complete most of the household chores without her mother around. Her Father is an English teacher, and one day, at dinner, he asks her about her English class, saying, “Any new vocabulary words?” (Lopez 14). The narrator is in no way fond of English, and responds in a uncaring manner, claiming that she “guesses” that she has some new vocabulary words, but does not remember them; she only knows that one starts with the prefix, super. Her father begins throwing potential vocabulary words at her, but she brushes them off using a sarcastic response. Her Father ignores this and reminds her that the prefix, super, means above and beyond, and that by breaking a word down, you can easily identify the meaning. The narrator says “okay” and quickly changes the subject. However, the Father catches on and asks if she is reading any books in class. The narrator begins to get bored with the topic and tries to hint at this, “I sigh, bored, but he doesn’t get the hint,” (Lopez 22), but he does not understand, so she responds with a yes and claims that she does not know the book’s title, but only that it has a rabbit on the cover. The Father knows immediately that it is Watership Down. She says that she left the book in her locker and can’t do her homework, but her Father …show more content…

For instance, in this novel excerpt, Izzy’s mother announces that she is going on a trip to complete her research. For this reason, Izzy has to stay in New Mexico with her Nana, whom she calls “a stranger.” It is clear that Izzy does not want to stay with her Nana for the entire summer, so she persists, asking her mother if there is a chance that she could go with her on her trip for her research, but her mother says no, claiming that she already has the ticket and is leaving Monday. Determined not to go to New Mexico, Izzy then questions why she can’t just stay home alone. Nonetheless, the Mother responds with a no full of finality. At this moment, Izzy begins getting upset with her mother, saying, “I swallowed hard and tried not to cry,” (Lopez 29). Despite knowing there was no chance of her winning the argument, Izzy continues to attempt to convince her mom to allow her to stay home. She says that she has plans for the summer to meet some girls before school begins so she is not alone. This is another thing that Izzy and her mother view differently; Izzy’s mother wants Izzy to make friends, but Izzy does not understand why this is necessary considering that she will most-likely move in only a few months. Izzy’s

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