Taxes: Proportional, Progressive And Regressive

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Three different tax plans: Proportional, Progressive & Regressive

Taxes are necessary for every citizen or resident of the United States, not all people agree to pay taxes and the government takes a portion of each person's income. Citizens have to pay taxes they receive necessary services for everyday life such as bookstores, medicine, police, firemen and parks. Even so all these services are given by the government for all people and families pay their taxes there is a difference when paying taxes according to how high the income is. Its a difference percentage between poor, and middle class while rich people. In addition to the article "High-income Americans pay more income taxes, but enough to be 'fair'?" just over half 54% of Americans …show more content…

Taxes can be distinguished by the effect they have on the distribution of income and wealth.

A proportional tax or city income tax, imposes the same percentage rate of taxation on everyone, regardless of income. If the income tax rate is 20 percent, an individual with $10,000 in taxable income pays $2,000 in taxes. A person with $100,000 in taxable income pays $20,000, in other words, where tax liability and income grow in equal proportion. For example, income of $10,000, people get $97.50 or 0.975% of income while income of $100,000 people get $975,00 or 0.975% of income.

A progressive tax or federal income tax is a tax that imposes a higher percentage rate of taxation on higher incomes than on lower ones. Also its characterized by a more than proportional rise in the tax liability relative to the increase in income, and a regressive tax is characterized by a less than proportional rise in the relative burden. Thus, progressive taxes are seen as reducing inequalities in income distribution, whereas regressive taxes can have the effect of increasing these inequalities. For example, income of $10,000, people get $1,000 in taxes or 10% of total income while income of $100,000 people get $25,000 in taxes or 25% of total …show more content…

Proportional is city income tax, as income goes up, the percentage of income paid in taxes stays the same. Progressive is federal income tax, as income goes up, the percentage of income paid in taxes goes up. Regressive is state sales tax, as income goes up, the percentage of income paid in taxes goes down. No matter how this types apply to american and residents people during they have to pay taxes. People are not in total disagree when paying taxes is talking about and they already know real process of taxes. Although tax process is different base in people's income, so that in the article ¨High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be ‘fair’?¨ demonstrates individual income tax statistics by income group, less than $15,000 gross income 24.3% of returns filled and 0.1% of income tax paid. $50,000 to $99,999 the 21.7% of returns filled and 14.9% of income tax paid. $250,000 and above gross income 2.7% of returns filed and 51.6% of income tax

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