Tarus Research Paper

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Happy birthday, Taurus! This one is near and dear to my heart, quite literally: my partner is a May 17 Taurus. :) I might add, probably one of the most Taurus-Tauruses I have ever known, to boot. Anyway- when you think of a bull, what do you think of? Strength, perseverance, stamina- you may envision a lumbering beast, grazing among the flowers. Until you get into the ring with a red flag, right? Suddenly, what seemed like such a mellow, slow animal becomes a terrifying beast! Taureans can be a lot like that. Eva Peron, Jessica Lange, another one of my #mancrushmonday fellas- John Oliver, Adele, Kimora Lee Simmons, Andre The Giant, Bea Arthur, Carol Burnett, David Beckham and Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols- all Tauruses. As you can see, that’s a pretty diverse group, right? You probably aren’t going to see John Oliver as being like Sid Vicious. That would be pretty amusing, but incredibly weird. That’s how Tauruses roll, though. As with other signs, how they express certain things is as diverse as they are. Seriously- John Oliver: https://youtu.be/JZEz8mytrM8 And well, this is Sid Vicious. [Insert photo] Bit different. Here’s the thing about Taurus natives, …show more content…

I don’t ever discount the fact that Taurus is one of those springtime signs at all, because it is awfully tempting to lay in bed on a cool morning with the windows open and just relax. It’s a good time to just generally, celebrate being alive and enjoy yourself. Taurus is also a sign that’s very nature-oriented, so being out and about in the cooler but not yet sweltering heat is also great. Of course, if you live somewhere else- it may be you’re moving into autumn here. But in Missouri, late Spring to Summer is brutal, but, early Spring- Taurus Time, so to speak, is usually pretty pleasant. Well, except for the tornados and flooding, but you know, beyond that…

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