Taming of the Shrew: the true meaning

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Taming of the Shrew is a play by William Shakespeare about the “taming” of a woman named Kate by a man named Petruchio. If Taming of the Shrew had taken place in modern times, there are many parts of the play that I believe would have ended quite differently. There were many human rights issues and violations that would not be acceptable in modern times to be found in the play as well. Regardless of this, there seemed to be a few hints towards modern concepts such as gender equality to be found in the play. While perhaps some of the concepts and ideas in Taming of the Shrew may lay in stark contrast with the ideas and concepts of today, there are some hints at modern ideals to be found in this play. If Taming of the Shrew had taken place in modern times, I think several aspects and events in the story would have been very different. Firstly, I think Katherine would not have submitted to Petruchio so easily. In the time period in which this story was written, the Elizabethan Era, woman were taught to believe that men were dominant, and that their husband should be treated as if he is the lord of master of them. Today women are no longer taught that men are superior, and for the most part there is equality between the two genders. If the play took place in modern times, Katherine would not have submitted to Petruchio, as she would’ve been taught that what Petruchio was doing was wrong. Secondly, I think the whole idea that Kate would have to be married before Bianca was married would no longer be relevant. In modern times there is rarely an arranged marriage, and the parent has no real choice on who their son/daughter gets married to. Bianca would be able to marry who she wished, and she would not have to do it secretly, like she d... ... middle of paper ... ... things Kate did before she met him. It seems as if Petruchio is giving Kate “a taste of her own medicine”. There is support for this “theory”, as Kate does act nicer to everyone by the end of the play, for example when she greets Hortensio and says it is nice to see him it is a change from her previous behaviour towards him. A deeper meaning can be found to some of the more offensive aspects of Taming of the Shrew. Taming of the Shrew manages to pack lots of meaning into itself, despite its comedic stance. The play can provoke lots of thought in the audience. The audience can also learn about how woman were viewed in the 16th century. This play manages to even remain relevant today, as a few possible meanings t hat can be found in the play reflect the ideas on genders and relationships today. Taming of the Shrew was a quite controversial, though meaningful play.

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