Tale Of Two Cities Guillotine Essay

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The Guillotine, introduced to the French in 1792, lied as the primary source of execution of punishment during the era. This lethal execution mechanism established in the work of Charles Dickens, the writer of A Tale of Two Cities, to execute Sydney Carton and many others. The simple contraption, made execution a very rapid process, and a widespread idea as well. As Dickens incorporates in his book, “Above all, one hideous figure grew… the figure of the sharp female called La Guillotine”(Dickens). In order to emphasize the usage of the guillotine, Dickens uses irony to exaggerate the abilities to “cure a headache”(Dickens). Creator Antoine Louis, a French Surgeon who designed the concept of the Guillotine, consisted of a bench where, consequently, …show more content…

During the French Revolution, the guillotine became a symbol of the Reign of Terror and executed an amass amount of people(Briticana). The overall usage of the Guillotine traveled a long way, in fact, it moved into the 20th century. Controversially, Widespread usage of the guillotine in France and even Scotland and England, proved its efficiency in carrying out executions. Finally, in 1981, France chose to outlaw capital punishment due to the cruelty and abandoned their usage of the guillotine. An example of a time period that used the guillotine greatly lasted during the Reign of Terror, as previously mentioned before. Grievously, thousands of lives remained lost through beheadings performed by the guillotine from June 1793 to July 1974. The overwhelming factor, is that during this time period, the guillotine, reposed the more humane way of execution. Accordingly, This may have been due to its incredible momentum of the descending blade, capable of decapitating within a short amount of time(Andrews). Another aspect of the guillotine consisted of the amount of people that shockingly observed the executions as a form of

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