TEEN, INC. Book Report

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TEEN, INC. by Stefan Petrucha is about a boy named Jaiden who is fifteen years old and adopted by a company called NECorp. Since legally a corporation is considered a person he was adopted. He now is being raised by a company and he wants to start to have a normal life, just like every other kid. This book is set in modern day time in New York City. We are never really told exactly when this is, but the way certain things are worded we can conclude that TEEN, INC. is set in the modern day. The setting of New York is important because all of the huge corporations are set in New York. In the story Jaiden is also at his school for a good amount of the story, he is also at a home that the corporation rents out so he can have his girlfriend over …show more content…

Throughout this book we are seeing the story though Jayden's eyes. This shows us how he is seeing everything and gives us a good understanding on why he does the things he does such as being shy to a girl he likes. One example of Irony is when Jaiden says he is going to never date Jordan in this book. He is set that she will never talk to him and Jaiden even tells his friends this. But, the first time he goes up to her, she is so excited to talk to him and actually likes him. Another example of irony in this book is when Jaiden goes to the school and says that no one is going to talk to him. He didn’t expect anyone to be his friend, but at the first day at lunch a kid sits right next to his and ends up being Jaiden's best friend by the end of the book. Two symbols in the book are the valve and Jaiden's house. The valve always represented his parents and him being able to sur NECorp while Jaiden's house that the company rented represents that he was going to be with someone. The author is trying to get the readers to think about how everyone's life is not normal. There are certain people that have the “normal life” but then there are the kids where all they want to be is normal. This book is a great example of

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