Synthesis Essay: She Had Cut Off My Hair

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For some reasons, sometimes the writers may not want to tell their purpose directly; then they might make use of some words with indirect references to disguise the information. Only the reader, who can spot those references, will understand what the authors want to reveal, for example: “'And I had keys made for the door upstairs. But, no, sir. She had sure cut off my locks. She was a Delilah', say Bill Basset" (O.Henry, The Man High up). In this case “locks” has two meanings, where one is the 'mechanism for fastening a door,' and another is 'the hair.' Consequently, the significant meaning in this sentence is “she had cut off my hair.” “She was a Delilah” is a metaphor, referring to a bad woman who betrayed her friend. It relates to the Biblical story of Samson, who had seven mystery braids which were …show more content…

In the same way, while reading, people prefer texts with humorous tone and exceptionally witty story lines. Therefore, we may call humor a linguistic art, an indicator of knowledge and general intelligence, or a tool to inspire others to incorporate wordplay in their everyday conversations. Let us consider the following example: “Joe was painting in the class of the great Magister… you know his fame. His fees are high; his lessons are light …his highlight brought him renown…” (Henry, A Sense of Love). The initial meaning of "highlight" is 'the brightest part of a picture,'; at the same time this word is formed by words “high” and “light”, which both have various implications. ON the one hand, it represents the artist's talent at depicting strong light on its drawings; on the other hand, the author satirizes the artist’s tuition fee, as it is quite high though the content of his lesson is easy and simple. The author uses a satirical tone full of humor and wit to draw the outline of the artist's character. This also helps the reader to create a vivid image in his/her

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