Symbolism In When Rain Clouds Gather

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Reading through the extract above, the reader gets the idea that the people of Golema Mmidi saw Gilbert as a symbol of hope, someone that had a lot of new ideas and that had the solutions for their problems. Therefore I agree with the aforementioned statement that Bessie Head portrays Gilbert as a messianic figure who goes to Golema Mmidi to save and help the people with major life decisions. I do not agree with the critics that Bessie Head sketched the black population as incapable looking after themselves. I believe that Bessie Head used Chief Matenge as a symbol of anti-progress and was the person who suppressed the tribe from personal growth and agriculture. In the novel When Rain Clouds Gather, Gilbert is seen as a dream of a character, …show more content…

'Does everything die like this?' “(page 177) The unrelenting climate of Golema Mmidi regularly put them in drought and rain clouds symbolised hope, recovery, the rewards of faith and new growth to the people. Like Maria beautifully stated, “That is why all good things and all good people are called rain. Sometimes we see the rain clouds gather even though not a cloud appears in the sky. It is all in our heart.” (page 177) Gilbert could also be seen as “rain”, he was a good person, his aim in life was to help people. Even with his shortcomings, lacking sympathy, patience and understanding, he gave the people hope, helped them develop and …show more content…

The people went to him with big decisions because they trusted him and knew he had the knowledge to help. The main reason the people of Golema Mmidi were in a fragile position was of the degeneration Chief Matenge cuased and droughts and not that the black characters couldn’t take care of themselves. Therefore we can see that Bessie Head did portray Gilbert as some kind of messianic figure, someone who is too good to be true, always helping others where he can and that the people relayed on him for his knowledge and with that did Golema Mmidi

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