Symbolism In The Devil's Arithmetic

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In the novel, The Devil’s Arithmetic, by Jane Yolen, thirteen-year-old Hannah from New Rochelle, New York, attend a Passover Seder with the rest of her family at her grandparent’s house. Later, she wakes up extra early in the morning and opens a door and goes back in time and becomes Chaya Abramowicz. It becomes 1942 and Chaya is going to be attending Shmuel’s wedding. At the wedding, Hannah meets a group of girls that are very distinct from her and teaches new and modern information to them. Suddenly, three black old-fashioned cars and twelve army trucks arrived. The army trucks printed, “Malach ha-mavis. Angel of Death.”(Yolen 62). Hannah discovers the men and yells that they are Nazis. Most people insisted that they should go into the trucks.

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