Symbolism In Nil By Lynne Matson

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How do you escape an island that doesn’t exist? In Lynne Matson’s novel Nil, most of the characters found themselves asking this question. As the novel progresses, the characters find themselves trying to escape numerous times from the island. With a 365 day limit, the battle for survival is overcome by compassion in this thrill seeking novel. Nil starts out by introducing one of the two main characters, Charley. After feeling extremely hot and eventually passing out in a Target parking lot, she wakes up confused on the island of Nil. Naked and afraid, Charley desperately hopes to find any sort of civilization. The novel then introduces Thad, the other main character. Thad had already been on the island for quite some time when Charley arrives. After being on the island for thirteen days, Charley finally encounters Thad. Throughout the novel, he introduces Charley to other characters ranging in similar age, and shows her around Nil City. She quickly learns the twisted parts of Nil including the 365 day time limit you have to escape. The only way to escape is by catching a gate within those 365, or you …show more content…

Matson writes “ The sun sparkled, rising into a cloudless sky. The ocean lay ahead, stretching until it met the horizon, blue kissing blue. Close to shore, the waves broke and retreated. But for the first time since i'd set foot on Nil, the beach was full of people and activity.” Every scene is described so beautifully that it’s almost the equivalent to watching a film. Another strength in Nil is the way matson writes. She writes in a way that is easy for any reader to understand. In most books that i've read in the past, i've had to reread certain parts either because they didn't make sense at first or because they were hard to understand. With Nil there was never one time where I had to go back because the way she writes flows so easily and is extremely easy to

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