Symbolism In Lamb To The Slaughter

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The short story “Lamb to the Slaughter,” was set in the early twentieth century where a murder is being premeditated. This murder isn’t just a gunshot or knife to the gut. A friendly affair the policeman search for answers, without realizing they were eating the murder weapon. Dahl makes it clear that the contrast is unexpected. Put author and aspect you are analyzing in this paragraph. The author begins the story in the third person, limited omniscient point of view. Mary is waiting for her husband to come home, but she is not expecting the news that is about to come. Rather than stating what Mary is feeling, Dahl suggests it by expressing her feelings with the line, "The drop of a head as she bent over her sewing was curiously tranquil.” …show more content…

(Dahl) At this time, Patrick begins to express how he is feeling. Mary is not happy which leads her into a state of rejection. If he had not spoken, Mary herself may have never imagined the whole thing. Mary continued to prepare for supper. As if she was programmed, she went down into a basement and picked a lamb leg to cook for supper. Everything was on now. (Reword this.) The action begins to rise with Mary whacking Patrick over the head with the leg of the lamb. The blow to the head killed him within a matter of seconds. Mary quickly thinks of a plan to cover up the murder. The contrast is repeated when Mary is talking to the detectives. She briefly told her story about going to the grocery store, and coming back to find him lying dead on the floor. After stating the theme to the reader, the author is ready to reveal the cover up. Mary begins to feel upset about what she has done, but she must not let detectives know in order to protect her unborn child. The detectives ask many questions relating the murder weapon. The second piece of evidence is the timing off with the act that occurred during the crime. If Mary would’ve premeditated the scene would have been perfect. Although the scene was perfect, it was all coincidence and situational irony. Mary used the object that she prepared for dinner while she was in her daze and the whole situation made her

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