Symbolism In Edgar Allen Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart

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Human life is an intricate phenomenon that is hard to comprehend. People deal with various parts of life through the birth of a new child, death of a loved one, or even just basic day-to-day interactions with others. In “The Tell Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe, he uses the Evil Eye, the beating heart, and the watch to symbolize different aspects of human life. The Evil eye that the narrator despises in the story is the reason why he kills the old man. Poe writes, “One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture- a pale blue eye, with a film over it” (41). He compares the eye to a vulture. A vulture is a bird that feeds on dead animals; likewise, the narrator is preying on the old man. Vultures only feed on dead animals because they do not require …show more content…

Poe writes, “Meantime the hellish tattoo of the heart increased. It grew quicker and quicker, and louder and louder every instant” (43). In the story, the narrator is referring to the old man’s heartbeat but I think it is actually his own. He is growing anxious by the second and contemplating if he should kill the old man or not. It is as if his heart is telling him not to do it but his mind is telling him to kill the old man. The unbalance between the narrator’s heart and mind create a complexity in his character. After the narrator kills the old man, he has another battle with the sound of the beating heart. Poe describes, “a low, dull, quick sound. . . It grew louder-louder-louder” (44). He begins to hear the same beating sound as he did right before he killed the old man but this time it does not belong to the old man. At this point, the narrator begins to hate himself for the “perfect” crime that he has committed. The narrator again is conflicted with his heart on whether to admit to his crime or not. His heart is telling him that what he has done is wrong, but he thinks he has done a favor to the old man. As the heartbeat grows louder and louder, he gets more uneasy until he can not fight the sound off. Untraditionally, the heart symbolizes the lack of humanity of the narrator in “The Tell Tale

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