Sycamore Row Sparknotes

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The novel Sycamore Row, written by John Grisham, published on October, 22nd, 2013 the direct sequel to the novel A Time To Kill. The story unfolds in the 1990’s in the fictional Ford County, Mississippi. A dead man, a surprising will, and a black housekeeper…and it’s all up to a lawyer. One supporting character, Seth Hubbard, a man diagnosed with lung cancer, who then commits suicide after his interest in life depletes. Seth left his millions and the majority of his assets to his black house maid. He takes the roll as the main character in the novel. Lettie Lang: a 45 year old, black woman who served as the house maid for Seth Hubbard and the recipient of 90% of his estate. Lettie worked for Seth during the years he had lung cancer and she …show more content…

Hubbard left. Although Mr. Hubbard had written the will, society didn’t like the fact that he left his estate to a colored woman. Jake took on the task of fighting for the rights of the deceased man and his wishes. The doctor gives Seth Hubbard a month to live after fighting lung cancer for over a year. In the middle of his property, he hangs himself upon a sycamore tree along with a hand written will. When found, they discovered that the will left his multi-million dollar fortune to his black housekeeper, instead of his children. The well known lawyer Jake Brigance must defend the rights of the deceased and his will. Jake Brigance found an envelope in his mail on the Monday after Seth’s death that included a will and a letter stating that Jake needed make sure they will got enforced no matter what. Jake done as he Mr. Hubbard told him, waiting until just moments after the funeral to file the will in court. Although, another will gets brought up; one that benefits Seth’s two grown children rather than the maid who receives the bulk of his estate in the new will. When the family hears word of the new will, more lawyers begin to surface and arguments break …show more content…

The other attorney also proves that Seth had an eye for young, black women and might have had an affair with Lettie. However, when Lucien delivers a videotape deposition from Ancil that claims he and Seth watched their father murder Sylvester Rinds in order to steal his land from Rinds’ widow, Jake wins the case. “There had been so many. He had hired young ones because they were more plentiful and worked cheaper. The better of those got married and pregnant and wanted six months off. The bad ones flirted, wore tight miniskirts, and made suggestive comments. He had hired more mature women to negate any physical temptation, but, as a rule, they had been bossy, maternal, menopausal, and they had more doctors' appointments, as well as aches and pains to talk about and funerals to attend.” This quote shows significance because on the day of the trial, they tried to accuse Mr. Hubbard of having an affair with his past

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