Swimmer Personal Statement

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There are two things in my life that have profoundly helped to shape me into the person I am today. One of them, the fact that I am a swimmer, has been a tremendous benefit for me in regards to evolving behaviors that are assets to life, and giving me many opportunities to give back to the community with volunteer work. The other may not seem quite as valuable to the mere onlooker, but it is just as important, if not more important to the way my life has turned out so far; I come from a military family. Both of these facts have facilitated my development of life experiences and qualities that are unique, which have helped me and will continue to help me as I pursue professional endeavors. Although swimming may not be an academic extra-curricular …show more content…

I learned that I must give one hundred percent effort every single day just to make the most minuscule of time drops. This unwavering dedication also applies to school; the only way to get smarter and be better at school is to study diligently and go to class every day. But in order to be dedicated to both school and swimming, I also had to learn another important skill- time management. Over the years I have become accomplished at balancing my class time, practice time, homework time, and down time, which is not an easy task. Being efficient and able to keep up with a heavy work load is a valuable quality for any student or professional worker to have in this day and age. Growing up as a part of a military family has had a big impact on my life as well. By the time I was sixteen, I had already moved a total of eight times. Having to let go of friends and start over in completely new surroundings is difficult for a child to go through, but I believe it has made me stronger as a person. It has also taught me important lessons in learning how to make friends easily and become personable and to identify with many different social

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