Suspension Of Disbelief In Theatre

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The term “suspension of disbelief” is often used to explain the mechanisms of assimilation required to comprehend an invented scenario, mainly a piece of drama or fiction in movies, theater, or literature. The use of the term “willing suspension of disbelief” simply implies that one believes in a certain situation because one agrees to overlook some factors that would cause one to not believe on the particular situation. It means to overlook a lie knowing that it is a lie. This term was first coined by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in his 1817 work titled “Biographia literaria” which means biographical sketches of my literary life When the requirement for suspending one’s disbelief are kept to as minimum as possible, only then is when an invented …show more content…

This development in technologies has affected the audience’s will to suspend their disbelief in the field of theatre. Suspension of disbelief is one of the most important features for theatre because theatre exists to put on trial “ideas and thoughts” and for good theatre, there should be minimal will from the audience to suspend their disbelief. However, suspension of disbelief in a person’s life occurs not only in theatre but also in other areas of knowledge and his day-to-day life as …show more content…

A person believes it to be true to make it seem true to make other people unknowingly suspend their disbelief as they don’t believe at first but as the faith of the person in the religion progresses, it forces him to suspend his disbelief as what he sees, reads or listens influences his belief in a particular direction and forces him to believe unverified reality even though he believed that it is not reality. Those who believe in the bible believe that Jesus had brought Lazarus back to life because that story is in the Bible and the Bible is considered the word of God. We don’t know if the Bible is actually the word of God as the bible claims that it is the word of god and it is not verified. Then too we suspend our disbelief to believe in everything what the bible says. If we believe in god then how can mankind come into

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