Suspense and Tension at the End of Act 2 of Priestley's An Inspector Calls

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Suspense and Tension at the End of Act 2 of Priestley's An Inspector Calls An Inspector Calls, by J.B. Priestly, is the story of the visit by an Inspector to an apparently normal, rich family, the Birlings. They are celebrating Sheila Birling's (Mr. & Mrs. Birlings daughter) engagement to Gerald Croft (A young man who’s father owns a large factory and is very well off), who is also present, when the Inspector arrives telling them of the suicide of a young girl called Eva Smith. At first they deny any knowledge of the girl, but as the play goes on the Inspector manages to show that they all helped kill her. Mr. Birling had her fired from his factory for demanding a small increase in wages; Sheila ordered her to be dismissed from her job in a shop simply because of her pride, and she felt that Eva found her appearance humorous when wearing a hat; Gerald Croft kept her as his mistress before leaving her suddenly; Eric Birling (Mr & Mrs Birling's son) also had an affair with the girl and stole money from, his fathers office to keep her living; and Mrs Birling used her influence to deny help to Eva Smith when she needed it most, all of this eventually drove her to suicide. Mr. Birling is a successful factory owner, ex-Lord Mayor of Brumley and a local magistrate. He doesn’t take into view the concerns of his workers, and the world outside of Britain. He is besotted with himself and his aim is to make more money, he says that industry is prospering and can't see why anyone would want to interrupt it by starting a war. He does not take into account that other people might value different things more highly than money. The only thing h... ... middle of paper ... ...nflict between the inspector and Mr. Birling, where Mr. Birling makes attempts to defend his family. The last one is between Sheila and her parents. Sheila doesn’t have a great part in the scene but she made a great impact by attempting to stop her mother from getting into trouble. J.B. Priestly was a socialist, and believed that if everyone in the world was treated equally then it would be much more peaceful and better place to live in. In the scene there was sufficient evidence of Mrs. Birling showing prejudice toward lower class citizens, mainly when she was referring to Eva. This is one of the reasons why she was treated and punished very severely by the inspector. This is a reason for why the scene was so tense, because the inspector and Mrs. Birling are both very different people fighting for different beliefs.

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