Survival Persuasive Essay

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For many generations, parents everywhere have told the tale of your teenage years being the toughest years of life. Sadly, this tale is the cold, hard truth. You will lose a friend, get a bad grade, or move to a new school, like myself. If these obstacles break you or motivate you, is up to your actions. So make sure you have all you need in your survival kit for the “apocalypse”, otherwise known as your “teenage years.” The most essential part of your survival kit includes your books and pencils. Education is the key to life success. “Being good and doing good will allow you to have fun and be happy.” (Mrs. Yeck) Raising your hand in class and doing work early may not be "popular" at your school; but believe me it is popular with your …show more content…

There are two types of people; those who watch it happen and those who make it happen. You want to be a player in the game not a fan on the sidelines. Whether it be athletics, clubs, choir, or band do and try all you can to stay active at your school. Through these opportunities you will end up meeting new people that you never would have met, had you not gotten involved. Another crucial item you will need to pack in your teenage survival kit is your family. Through thick and thin, they will support and love you no matter what. Don't be afraid to ask your family anything. It makes them feel appreciated and wanted when you ask them questions. Bond with them too. These memories will give you immense happiness. Sadly enough don’t forget tissues. Whether you like it or not, you are bound to get involved in some kind of despair or drama throughout these years. A friend will betray you, a boyfriend or girlfriend will break your heart, you might miss the game winning shot, and your family always knows how to push just the right buttons. Being able to swiftly learn lessons and move on is a skill that isn't very common. I have yet to master that skill. Use these circumstances as learning experiences and by the end of these eventful years, you will have abilities to use

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