Survival In Laurence Gonzales To Build A Fire

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According to Hunter Thompson, “Luck is a very thin wire between survival and disaster, and not many people can keep their balance on it.” In “To Build a Fire,” by Jack London, the man was clumsy and fell to the side of disaster. According to the tips in “Deep Survival,” by Laurence Gonzales, there are many steps the man could have taken that would have given him a better shot at surviving. For example, the man may have survived if he would have taken correct, decisive action, if he would have stayed calm, and if he would have surrendered. Each time that he failed to complete these actions, it was like the wind blew and pushed him closer to his final disaster. The man had numerous chances to take correct, decisive action. For example, the man knew that spit would freeze …show more content…

Many cases appeared in “To Build a Fire” where the man could have surrendered without giving up (Gonzales 98). For example, after the man broke through the ice and wet himself to the knees, he could not let go of the fact that his feet were freezing even though his hands would not work (London 86). If he had let go of the fact that his feet were freezing, he would have been able to think more clearly and find a way around using his hands. Another example of the man not letting go would be when he could not shake the thought that he would never make it to camp with the guys (London 89). If he would have put this behind him, he would have been able to focus on his safety from the start of his journey. Not only could he not let the possibility that he would not meet with the guys go, he could not let go of the fear of dying. He let it get to him instead, which only made him act without thinking. Had the man surrendered in any of these cases and let go of his fears, he would have been able to clear his mind to think of better ways of

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