Suri Influence On American Culture

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As the civilizations grew more advanced they began to grow out of the hunter-gathering stages and began to stick together in states and then eventually into cities. These cities would also begin to grow as trading became more popular and the rulers became more militaristic. As these cities grew so did their varying cultures. It is this very variety that led to the many various cultures and society. With so much change going on in the world its hard to believe that there would be a civilizations that are generally untouched by modern man and all the technology and inventions that follow. While the number of these types of civilizations continue to decrease there is still a few that mange to persevere even today. In Ethiopia there is decent sized group of people that have managed this, they are called the Surma (Suri) …show more content…

They don’t have any written records but rather pass their history on through oral traditions. Their history “refers to a migration history of Suri constituent groups, starting in the lower Orno River.” ( It is believed that they originated from southern Sudan. In their early history they used to be called Nagos. In the early nineteenth century the Suri moved west towards the Naita Mountain. Their history continues as it talks about how they have a historical alliance with the Dizi tribe. It was believed that the Dizi chiefs had superiority over the rain and the Suri would often go to the Dizi if their rain rituals didn’t work. In the culture of the Suri both the men and women will potentially put a large clay plate in their lower lip. Since they are a egalitarian they don’t peer pressure their youth into getting these however, most end up getting them at some point in their life. A major part of their culture is a coming of age process where they have their young men go and participate in stick dueling matches. The winner usually will win a number of cows or a higher

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