Summary Of The Wreck Of Time By Annie Dillard

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The Wreck of Time by Annie Dillard is an article made to make you think about life, death and why.

Dillard writes of tragedy, she writes: “Two million children die a year from diarrhea, and 800,000 from measles. Do we blink? Stalin starved 7 million Ukrainians in one year, Pol Pot killed 1 million Cambodians, the flu epidemic of 1918 killed 21 or 22 million people... shall this go on?” According to Dillard, the dead outnumber the living by a ratio of 20 to 1. It’s hard to imagine seeing 20 million faces, all with lives of their own, all with their own stories to tell, and all now dead. When I visited times square in New York 2 years ago, I didn't know 1.5 million people walked through with me. If I had stayed for a week, and people watched all day and night, I would have seen the same amount of faces that were killed by Stalin in a year. I wouldn’t know any of their names, or any of their stories, they would be nothing more than a deathly statistic, moving before my eyes. …show more content…

When the value of life is brought up she writes: “Either life is always and in all circumstances sacred, or intrinsically of no account; it is inconceivable that it should be in some cases the one and in some the other." So either life is sacred, or worthless. I personally disagree with this statement. In my opinion, my family’s life, my lover’s life, my friend’s lives, are much more sacred than other peoples lives. I’d like to be important to other people, especially people in power, but I suspect even to them, a police officer has more worth more than me in society, but I have worth more than a sick old man in society. It’s not

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