Critical Analysis Of The Time Machine

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Aima Choudry Professor Juntilla English 100 20 October 2014 The Time Machine The Time Machine by H.G. Wells, a novel about a man’s journey through the future or criticism to the evolution of human race? The Time Traveler sets out on this journey not knowing what he would find or see in the year 802,701. When he arrives he comes across people known as the Eloi. The Eloi are uneducated, small beautiful creature who don’t work or have any political issues. What seems at first like a utopian society that he heard of in the 19th century, turns out to be quite different as he finds out about the creatures who live under ground, the Morlocks. The Morlocks are the “working class” and creatures that consume Elois. By providing these two different classes Wells is trying to prove the devolution of society through the knowledge of the “upper class” and “lower class” in the Victorian Era. Throughout the Time Machine H.G Wells tries to demonstrate how the …show more content…

All of those who are invited are well educated people who are looked highly upon due to their occupation. During the first dinner we see specific people who attend like the Medical Man, Psychologist, Mayor, the Very Young man, Filby and the narrator, all of these people are educated as we can tell by their conversations. From the first dinner to the second, the people who return include the Psychologist, the Medical Man, and the Narrator. Although we don’t know much about the narrator we know that the Psychologist, who is the master of the the brain and the Medical Man who is the master of the body, hold great importance in this society, proving that the time traveler himself also holds a fairly high stature. At this point in the book it’s key to notice the social class that the time traveler comes from, keeping in mind that it will play a key role as the book

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