Summary Of The Movie 'Deck The Halls'

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There is a Christmas movie that I have watched a few times called Deck the Halls, a film about two neighbors who spend the holidays trying to outdo each other’s Christmas lights. Steve Finch is known for being the Christmas man until the new neighbors move in- the Halls. This new guy, Buddy, has holiday lights that are so spectacular they can almost be seen from space, making Steve jealous. Steve ends up trying to blow up the Hall house, accidentally setting his house on fire instead. Both of their wives and children end up leaving to spend Christmas somewhere else, away from their shenanigans. In the end, Steve and Buddy come together to make one big light display for their families, bringing everyone back home and eventually the whole town …show more content…

After his sister dies, he seeks a better life, one filled with riches, thinking this is the best way to live. To attain this lifestyle, he pushes away everyone close to him- including the love of his life. He does not even bat an eye when his business partner Marley passes away. Then, Christmas Eve comes around, and the ghost of his dead partner comes to warn him of the three spirits that will be coming that night- one that will show him his past, one that will show him the present, and one that will show him the future. Only when the third ghost shows him his future after he dies and Scrooge sees that everyone is either indifferent or glad that he is gone does he realize he needs to make a change. He becomes cheerful and charitable, and as a result is a much happier person. George Bailey, however, from It’s a Wonderful Life, lives his whole life helping others and always trying to do the right thing. From rescuing his brother from drowning in the freezing water, which causes George to lose his hearing, to leaving his dreams behind of traveling the world, and instead taking over the family business, George is selfless all throughout his life. He marries his childhood sweetheart and has four healthy, happy children. Yet he still feels empty. He wants more than just this simple life. He is so unhappy that he almost commits suicide, stopping himself only …show more content…

It is rare to find someone that does not want fame or riches. Go up and ask anybody, and they would likely say yes without thinking twice. No matter what you already have, there is some part of us that always wants more. That despite seeing how their lives turn out believe the grass is greener on the other side, and maybe it is simply a myth that the grass isn’t greener, something said just to throw others off. However hard you try there is a part of you that would do anything just to be the best. Is that really such a problem? What is really wrong with wanting to do everything you can to be better and have better things? Sure, you might lose all the other good things in life. Who cares? While some may look at these statements and think how awful and twisted would you have to be to want to give up everything just to have more money, they just wait, because it is part of being a human to want more, and as George Bailey shows, the corruption consumes all of us

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