Summary Of The Grill-Buying Guy

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There is a man in a white t-shirt and jeans, he is standing in front the glass window of a clothing store. He admires the clothing. He decides to go inside and look at the clothing more up close. He finds a beautiful navy-blue suit, and a nice white dress shirt. He decides to try them on, as he sees himself in the mirror he sees a whole different person in the mirror, he sees a sophisticated and professional man. He decides to purchase the suit as well as the shirt. As he is checking out at the counter he hears the cashier say the total came up to be $375.98. He hesitates for a moment as he realizes half of his paycheck is going into a suit, but still decides to buy the suit because he knows it will give him more opportunities than just dressing …show more content…

For instance, when you have the ability to impress others and have the things others want it makes you feel better about yourself. In the article “The Grill-Buying Guy”, Brooks observes, “Patio man envisions a Saturday-evening party-his adult softball-team buddies lounging on his immaculate deck furniture, watching him with a certain moist envy as he mans the grill.” (Brooks). This man is trying to impress his neighbors and show them that he is superior than them because he has luxuries that his neighbors don’t have. He wants his neighbors to envy him because he has everything everyone wants at some point in their life, but also to keep improving his lifestyle by continuing to buy expensive items. In the article “The New Science Behind Your Spending Addiction”, Begley points out that “Indeed, the choice to spend rather than save reflects a very human—and, some would say, American—quirk: a preference for immediate gratification over future gains.” (Begley). Begley is trying to say that most humans like to have immediate gratification, which is when the reward is given now than later, when the reward would be greater. The Patio Man is demonstrating this behavior by buying the best house and the best grill. He knows that right now if he has the best house and the newest products it will make everyone around him jealous, due to that it makes him feel better about himself. One of the biggest reasons why people buy expensive products, clothes or shoes it’s because they want to impress the people around them and make everyone else resent their lifestyle. Even if they don’t have the money to live that lifestyle or afford their luxuries. For instance, in high school countless of the students buy expensive clothes so everyone can think they have money. It is also common when people start dating, they go to extremes to buy lavish and expensive gifts for the other person to show them they have a good

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