Summary Of Kate Chopin's 'The Story Of An Hour'

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A Shattered Dream The vision of a dream may be overpowered by a staggering truth, that of forcing a person to accept the exposed reality of destiny. In The Story of An Hour, author Kate Chopin gives the reader the story of Mrs. Louise Mallard. A widow who astonished by her husband’s death is paralyzed by the elusion of the future awaiting. Unwillingly, she is rejoiced as liberation comes into her life. Although Mrs. Mallard loved her husband, she couldn’t defeat the approaching feeling of freedom, the plea for a longer life of empowerment and the reality of a rumbled dream as she realizes her husband’s survival. It is expected of woman to shatter into crisis as news of her husband’s death is exposed. In this reading, the author presents a widow named Louise Mallard, who against all odds dares to expose her desired dream. Mrs. Mallard subdues an unexpected reaction as she was notified of Mr. Mallard’s death. With sense of relief, she disgracefully mourns his absence. Yet, despite the horrendous news, Louise was powerless as a transparent feeling of joy approached her heart. Freedom was gifted. She “opened and spread her arms out…” …show more content…

Given in The Story of An Hour, author Kate Chopin annotates to the reader that there are lessons in life that could only be taught by life itself. Appointing that Louise used Mr. Mallard death to her advantage, the author highlights that Mrs. Mallard faintly realizes she is using her husband’s death to escape from reality. She is unaware of the truth that is surrounding. Destiny exposed herself when Mr. Brently Mallard re-approaches Mrs. Mallard’s life, pulverizing all her dream. This confirming that a person’s envision can be bitterly twisted in seconds. Distress at the exposed reality, a “piercing cry” (Chopin p.19) incarcerates the freedom that Mrs. Mallard’s soul eagerly desired, trashing all her dream into the rumble of

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